We are born spiritual.
Spirituality is in our DNA.


Spirituality is simple.
Spirituality is practical.
We can progress spiritually in our own home.

 — Ravi Kathuria

What is Spirituality?


Spirituality, in the most simplest terms, is the direct experience of your soul.

Your soul is the energy, the life-force within you.  When we connect with our life-force, we experience the peace within.  To experience the soul, we have to peel back the layers of the mind. The mind is like a cocoon. When the cocoon dissolves, we emerge and transform from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar has no idea it actually is a butterfly until it goes through a transformation. Similarly, we have no idea what is our true potential, our true purpose. When we connect with our soul our life blossoms. We come to understand the true splendor of life. Spirituality is simple, it is within reach. Let us all make progress toward our spiritual destiny.

Spirituality is our Birthright and our Destiny

What is Spirituality?

There is so much confusion and misinformation about spirituality. What is the simplest definition?

Spirituality is the experience of your own Soul!

Chapter 5: Question 1
Interview by Mr. Bryant Price, CEO, Agama

The Gift of Spirituality

The Universe has bestowed upon you the amazing gift of spirituality —
the ability to experience your own life-force.

Experience your own soul and realize the splendor of life!
It is the greatest happiness on Earth!

— Ravi Kathuria

Spirituality is Inclusive

Spirituality is accessible to everyone
regardless of caste, creed, religious beliefs, age, status,
gender, and sexual identity.
No preconditions. No judgments.

— Ravi Kathuria

Spirituality Articles

Spirituality Press Releases

Spirituality Within

Spirituality is not outside of us. It is inside us.
Spirituality is accessing the ocean of peace within.

— Ravi Kathuria

Why is Spirituality a Gift?

The Universe has given human beings a lot of gifts – the gift of sight, hearing, the ability to touch, and the ability to think and feel.

But the biggest gift of all of them is the gift of spirituality. The ability to experience our life-force, our Soul. That experience is the most blissful experience on Earth!

“At your core, you are peace. Be who you are. Be peace.” - Ravi Kathuria, Author, “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.”

Chapter 5: Question 7
Interview by Mr. Bryant Price, CEO, Agama

Is Spirituality Practical?

Can it help us in our daily lives?

Is spirituality meant only for monks or is it meant for regular folks?

Chapter 5: Question 5
Interview by Mr. Bryant Price, CEO, Agama

How do Sins affect Spirituality?

The definition of what is a sin is based on religion, society, region, and the times in which people live. So, the definition of sin can be subjective. Though, there are deeds that across regions and cultures are clearly wrong and against humanity.

When it comes to spirituality, the aspect which matters the most is, do you have feelings and thoughts that create more disturbance in your mind. If you hate someone, if you are jealous, those actions and thoughts will prevent you from becoming peaceful. Generous and helpful actions make you more peaceful.

Spirituality is about quieting your mind. If you have more peaceful thoughts your mind will become quieter and you will move closer to experiencing spirituality.

Chapter 9: Question 5
Interview by Mr. Bryant Price, CEO, Agama

Can Science and Spirituality Coexist? Are they Synergistic?

Chapter 5: Question 4
Interview by Mr. Bryant Price, CEO, Agama