Spirituality Book — Synopsis
Spirituality Book, "Happy Soul. Hungry Mind." is a spirited discussion between an entrepreneur, facing difficult family and business challenges, and his business mentor, who has problems of his own creation.
“Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” is a work of spiritual genius and shares Spiritual Truths that can change the world.
The Journey from the
Mind to the Soul
Book Synopsis
(from the back cover)
Spirituality is life's most amazing gift to human beings.
Happiness! We all want it, but we fail to understand it. Anxiety and stress steal our happiness. Your mind can be your biggest friend or worst enemy. Are you the slave or the master of your mind? Your mind holds the secrets for success and happiness. Master your mind!
This heart-tugging and humorous spirituality parable is an easy and fun read. It expertly captures the pressures of modern life and offers you simple but deeply potent ways to be happier. Learn how to be happier and live a glorious life!
This fascinating book masterfully reveals the highest spiritual gems simply and free of religious beliefs. Read this book until the last page, and test every gem to check if it is the truth. These astounding gems of spirituality gems can uplift your life in ways you cannot imagine!
Wake up to realize the most amazing spiritual gift the Universe has bestowed upon you! Upgrade your life so you can experience it. Do not miss out on spirituality. Do not delay.
Quiet Your Hungry Mind,
Let Your Happy Soul Shine!
Amazon Reviews
Spirituality described so simply!
This book has the deepest, yet most simple approach to spirituality.
The simplicity of the story telling is what makes it beautiful.
He illuminates core spiritual concepts without distracting us with ancient rituals and beliefs.
Read this book! It just may be the best possible investment you can make in your future happiness and productivity.
I could not put it down and I can't explain exactly why.
A must read to all seeking a better understanding of spirituality vs religion!
"Happy Soul. Hungry Mind." answers the deepest questions of life in such profound and graceful ways that anyone from any philosophy will be able to learn from it and still stay true to their preferred traditions. What an accomplishment!
Having recently lost my husband I am at that stage in my life where I can relate to this book and truly appreciate it.
Even as a Catholic who regularly attends Sunday Mass, these concepts and helpful meditation techniques will no doubt help me deepen my faith and give me more inner peace.
Audio Book Chapters
Chapter 9: Spirituality Does Not Discriminate! Posted in: Audio Book English Videos LGBTQ+ Religion Spirituality - Chapter 9: Spirituality Does Not Discriminate! — Audio Book — "Happy Soul. Hungry Mind." ...
Chapter 10: Can we “See” God? Posted in: Audio Book English Videos God Spirituality - Chapter 10: Can we "See" God? — Audio Book “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” Non-Religious Spirituality ...
Chapter 11: Spirituality Versus Religion Posted in: Audio Book English Videos Religion Spirituality - Chapter 11: Spirituality Versus Religion — Audio Book, “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” ...
Chapter 20: God, Universe & Man Posted in: Audio Book English Videos God Religion Spirituality - Chapter 20: God, Universe & Man — Audio Book, “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” Non-Religious ...
The Greatest Book on Earth?
Could an ordinary author with ordinary writing possibly create the greatest book on Earth?
Spirituality book as a story?
Many spirituality books are difficult to read. I wrote this book as an engaging story so it can hold your attention until the last page because I want you to benefit from the greatest spiritual truths.
Chapter 1: Pain
Author Book Reading
This spiritual parable begins in Las Vegas (yes, the last place you would expect for a spiritual story).
It is a highly emotional chapter, will bring tears to your eyes. It makes me cry, every time I read it.
Life is difficult, even excruciating, at times. I wish it was different.
Pain, Grief, & Guilt
Author Commentary on Chapter 1.
Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences in life. The cycle of guilt and regret consumes you. How do you console someone in such a situation? How do you reduce the pain?
I changed the story within “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.” due to a real-life incident. It changed the course of the book.
Can spirituality (I don’t mean religion) help us deal with such terrible situations? Can spirituality protect us?