Press Release: When will LGBTQ+ Discrimination Driven by Religious Beliefs STOP?

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For Immediate Release

When will LGBTQ+ Discrimination Driven by Religious Beliefs STOP?

Houston, TX, June 6, 2024 — Even in the 21st century, age old religious beliefs continue to be a cause of discrimination against human beings based on gender and sexual orientation. Only when modern society adheres to a greater purpose and truth will it provide LGBTQ+ people a true sense of pride in their lives and respect for their biology.

In a college commencement ceremony, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, suggested Pride Month celebrates a “deadly sin.” After attacking “dangerous gender ideologies,” he suggested America should return to the 1950’s when gays hid in shame.

Butker’s remarks created a significant backlash on social media. Instead of backing down, he doubled down, reiterated his beliefs and faith, and said he meant every homophobic and sexist word.

In the last few years, several states, led by Florida, have implemented anti-LGBTQ+ laws and restrictions, leading to harmful consequences. According to a Washington Post analysis, school hate crimes targeting LGBTQ+ people have sharply risen in recent years, climbing fastest in states that have passed laws restricting LGBTQ+ student rights and education.

When will the discrimination against people based on their gender and sexual orientation stop? What needs to be done?

“Religion discriminates. Spirituality does not!” says non-religious spirituality book author, Ravi Kathuria. “We must rise above discriminatory religious beliefs. Every human being on Earth, regardless of gender and sexual identity, has the same level of spiritual ability. No preconditions. No judgements.”

Understanding that biology does not affect spirituality can be a powerful motivator for people to accept their sexuality and be at peace with who they are. Non-discriminatory spirituality could provide the ultimate sense of pride.

Kathuria stresses, “No one can be denied! Spirituality is all inclusive!”

In this month celebrating Pride, let us pledge to overcome bias and discrimination.

About the Author

A business thought leader, management consultant and executive coach, Ravi Kathuria has been quoted by the likes of the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, NPR and the PBS Nightly Business Report. He is the founder of Cohegic Corporation, and the founder and president of the Houston Strategy Forum.

His first book, How Cohesive is your Company? presented a holistic, cohesive management method that received great praise from top executives and business professors.

In his second book, Happy Soul. Hungry Mind., Kathuria uses his analytical and intuitive skills to remove the complexity and confusion of spirituality. Happy Soul. Hungry Mind. is a work of spiritual genius.

Kathuria is happily married for over thirty years to his lovely wife, and they have two adult children.

Mr. Kathuria is available for interviews on the subjects of spirituality, business, improving the quality of life, and improving the quality of the workplace culture.

For more information, visit, or connect with the author via email, on Facebook: @ Spirituality Within; Instagram: Spirituality Within; Twitter: @SpiritualityWit; and YouTube:SpiritualityWithin

How Cohesive is Your Company? A Management & Leadership Parable

Publisher: Seema Corp

ISBN-10: ‎0982147503

ISBN-13: 978-0982147504

Available from

Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.: A Modern-Day Parable About Non-Religious, Practical Spirituality

Publisher: Seema Corp

ISBN-10: 0982147554

ISBN-13: 978-0982147559

Available from


Audio Book: Happy Soul. Hungry Mind. — Non-religious Spirituality

Publisher: Seema Corp

Available from Audible, Spotify and YouTube


Reviews, photos, links to previous interviews and Q&As are available upon request.

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