Spirituality Pyramid

Spirituality Pyramid

HappySoulWordPress Spirituality    

Spirituality Pyramid shows the journey from the mind to the soul.

To understand the journey from the mind to the soul, let us study the spirituality pyramid. This pyramid illustrates the journey.

The Spirituality Red Level

At the lowest level of the pyramid, in the red level, the mind is in a state of unhappiness and sadness. It is driven by emotions and compulsions. Anger, jealousy, stress, grief, regrets, greed and hubris drive the mind to a constant state of dissatisfaction.
The spirituality pyramid is not about morality and is not a tool for passing judgment. The spirituality pyramid is a statement of fact. If your mind is caught up in emotions and compulsions, if it is caught up in addictions and obsessions, you will find life is not as enjoyable, your disturbed mind will cause you great unhappiness.

The Spirituality Blue Level

As the mind steps back from its compulsions, it rises to the next level of the spirituality pyramid, the blue level. This level is about pursuing life’s needs and desires. Love, family and friends, work and fame, acquisition of assets, serving the ego, and enjoying the pleasures in life are part of this level. At this level, the mind is active, it is busy. The mind enjoys life, which is a contrast from the red level where the mind was in constant disarray and dismay.
A majority of the people on Earth aspire to exist in the blue level where they are enjoying love & life, building assets, satisfying their ego, achieving the material benefits of life.

The Spirituality Green Level

A smaller population of Earth aspires to be at the next level of the spirituality pyramid. This is the green level. Here people spend time in nature, pure devotion, selfless service. They immerse themselves in the pursuit of some field of art and enjoy being “in the zone.” Or they pursue knowledge and scientific discovery. People who love their work and enjoy it deeply can elevate their minds from the blue level to the green level. A mother who loves her child with the purest love will experience the satisfaction that comes from the green level. Pure, selfless love without expectations belongs at the green-level.
People whose mind is occupied with activities of the green level will find their mind is quieter. They will experience greater satisfaction and a deeper sense of fulfillment. They will feel contentment from life and enjoy a great quality of life. They will be able to enjoy the blue-level pleasures of life, but also experience the deeper joys of life.

The Gyrations of the Mind

Most people operate in the red, blue and green levels. These levels are not exclusive of each other. Your mind might experience thoughts of distress, love, and devotion, all in the same day, or even in the same hour. The mind may jump around, but when the mind is at higher levels, it will be calmer. In the diagram, the state of the mind arrow on the right side of the spirituality pyramid signifies what the mind experiences. We travel up and down the arrow in our lives.

State of Mind Arrow

Our goal in life should be to travel up in the state of mind arrow and make our minds calmer and peaceful.

The Spirituality Orange Level

The most powerful way to calm the mind is to meditate. Meditation leads us to the orange level.

Many people feel meditation is difficult to do, or they are not going to enjoy it. Meditation is a natural process and human beings are blessed to have been granted the ability to meditate. Meditation may be our greatest gift.

When we sit for meditation, we let the mind slow down naturally. When the mind slows down, when it is calmer, our mind, ego, identity, emotions, memories, and feelings all become silent and begin to loosen their hold on us. We become free of the mind’s hold on us.

Meditation is not something we do, it happens to us. It is the most fascinating aspect of human life. When the mind becomes completely quiet, we being to go beyond the mind, we transcend the mind. That is when the magic happens.

Our soul remains hidden within because of the incessant thoughts of the mind. The soul begins to peek through when the mind becomes silent. Just like the sun begins to peek through when the clouds break up. When the clouds are gone, the sun shines through brilliantly.

The Ultimate Purpose of Life

The greatest purpose of life is: “Quiet your hungry mind, let your happy soul shine!”

This the simplest and grandest spirituality statement. It is the ultimate purpose. Every human being on Earth regardless of religious beliefs, caste, creed, status, wealth, gender, and sexual identity has equal access to their spiritual ability. When we experience our soul, we achieve our purpose.

State of Mind

The journey of life is from the mind to the soul. The more the mind calms down the more we enjoy the true beauty of life.



When we the mind is completely quiet, the soul shines through in its absolute brilliance. We experience the infinite ocean of peace within. That is the state of pure ecstasy. It is the nirvana state, the ultimate Yog, the enlightenment state where we are in union with our soul and have gone beyond the identification with the mind. Then we have realized the purpose of life.

Every avatar of God, every prophet and messiah, every ancient sage in India, ever grand master around the globe, have described this state, this experience, also called by many as the GOD-Experience!

— Ravi Kathuria, Author, Non-religious, Spirituality Book, “Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.”

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