Your Soul DOES NOT care

which religion you follow!

Your Soul is independent & distinct from your mind.


Your mind can believe whatever it wants — it does not impact your Soul!


Religion is for the purposes of Your Mind. 

Spirituality is Only about Your Soul.


Your Spirituality is independent & distinct from Your Religion!

Spirituality Within
is Life's most Amazing Gift
for You!

Spirituality exists within You!

It has existed in You since the day you were born!

Experience the Ocean of Peace within to Upgrade your Life!

Spiritual Transformation

Spirituality can raise the quality and richness of your life in ways you cannot imagine. We must learn to connect with our inherent spiritual abilities if we want to transform our lives.

Spirituality is Non-Religious

Everyone on Earth has the spiritual ability from birth! No one can be denied. Spirituality is not affected by what you believe, which religion you follow, or if you are an atheist.

Spiritual Progress in Your Own Home

You can make spiritual progress in your own home. You do not have to go anywhere else, you do not need to go on a pilgrimage. Nature has provided you everything you need to pursue spirituality.

Spiritual Dimension

We are focused on the material dimension — the overwhelming pleasures and problems of our lives. Due to our busy lives, we overlook the spiritual dimension of our lives.

Spirituality is life's most amazing gift to you! If you do not experience spirituality, you would have missed out on the most important aspect of your life.

Mind to Soul

Spirituality is the journey from the Mind to the Soul. 
Spirituality is the direct experience of your own Soul!

The Simplest & Grandest Spiritual Statement — it can change your life.

Quiet Your Mind to Experience Your Soul!

Simple Spirituality

"Quiet your mind to experience your soul," is the simplest spiritual statement you can ever find. Spirituality cannot get any simpler than this.

When the mind is completely quiet, when it is still, the soul automatically and naturally shines through.

Just like the Sun automatically shines through when the clouds depart, the soul also shines through when the mind stops clouding the soul.

Many religious and spiritual leaders and authors describe spirituality in complex and confusing terms.

Spirituality is stunningly simple. It is the experience of your own soul.

Grand Spirituality

"Quiet your mind to experience your soul," is the grandest statement spiritual statement. It does not get any grander than this.

It indicates to you the amazing, unbelievable gift that you as a human being possess.

The ability to connect with your own soul and experience the infinite ocean of peace within is the most beautiful aspect of your life.

This statement is one of the most important statements of our lives. It can have a great impact on us. Please give it careful consideration.

Spirituality in 60 Seconds — Short Videos

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Audio Book Chapters

What is the Ultimate Purpose of Life?

Purposes of the Mind

Fame and fortune, family and relationships, long and healthy life, community service, research and innovation, faith and religion, are all examples of honorable pursuits in life. Many call them the purpose of their lives.

Those items listed above are the purposes of the mind. They exist to satisfy the mind. They are the mind's needs and wants.

Ultimate Purpose of Life

The purpose of your life is much deeper than that. Much more meaningful.

The Ultimate Purpose of life is to go beyond the mind so you can connect with the life-force in you.

The Ultimate Purpose of life is to experience the Ocean of Peace within!

Spiritual progress is the ultimate purpose of life.

Make money, have a beautiful family, enjoy life, and make sure you spend time to make spiritual progress.

Spirituality can raise the quality of your life in a way you cannot imagine.

Do not miss out. Experience that which is yours.

You will enjoy and relish life in a much richer manner when you connect with the peace within.

Enjoy the true splendor of life.

At your core you are peace.
Be who you are.
Be Peace. 

— Ravi Kathuria


Peace of Mind  

All our problems, all our challenges are external to us. Internally, we are peace.

We let all the worries and stress rob us of the true beauty of life.

When we connect with our inner peace the quality of our life improves tremendously.

There is an ocean of peace within all of us, but we are overlooking it. We are missing out.

Only when we connect with this peace do we really begin to live life to its fullest.

Awaken to experience the most amazing aspect of your life. Do not overlook it.

Experience your peace — peace that exists in you all the time.

 Be peace...

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Media Interview

Stress Relief

  • Stress - How to Reduce stress Stress — 18 Steps to Reduce Stress Posted in: English Videos Stress & Anxiety - I am going to discuss 18 important steps to reduce stress. Is that too many? Well, every one of them is important. Stress is a challenging problem and we need to address it seriously. Life is Stressful Sometimes life gives us intense stress, we lose our job, or have huge losses in the stock market, we go through a divorce… ...

Meditation Technique

Religion versus Spirituality. What is God?

Quiet Your Mind to Experience Your Soul - Ravi Kathuria


The most important journey in Life —
is from the Mind to the Soul
to experience the infinite Ocean of Peace within.


Spirituality is about connecting with our inner peace.


We all, regardless of beliefs, status, caste, creed, gender, and sexual identity,

have the spiritual ability from the moment we are born.

Everyone has equal access to spirituality. No preconditions. No judgments.

Spirituality is in our DNA. It is our greatest gift in life.


Spirituality is distinct from religion.

If religion is like the picture of a Ferrari,

spirituality would be the experience of actually driving the Ferrari.


Your best life awaits you!

Spirituality is practical. It can improve our daily lives.

Join us. Undertake the most important journey of life and raise the quality of your life.

Let us all live life to its fullest.